Taiwan Trading https://www.taiwan-trading.com/ Fri, 20 May 2022 08:47:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 Taiwan takes 3rd place in BERI’s report https://www.taiwan-trading.com/taiwan-takes-3rd-place-in-beris-report/ https://www.taiwan-trading.com/taiwan-takes-3rd-place-in-beris-report/#respond Fri, 20 May 2022 08:16:42 +0000 https://www.taiwan-trading.com/?p=1494 In the current Profit Opportunity Recommendation report by US-based Business Environment Risk Intelligence S.A., Taiwan was ranked third best investment location among 50 major nations and territories evaluated. Taiwan received a 62 out of 100 in the triannual study, after Switzerland (70) and Norway (67). South Korea tied for first place with 58 points, followed [...]

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In the current Profit Opportunity Recommendation report by US-based Business Environment Risk Intelligence S.A., Taiwan was ranked third best investment location among 50 major nations and territories evaluated.

Taiwan received a 62 out of 100 in the triannual study, after Switzerland (70) and Norway (67). South Korea tied for first place with 58 points, followed by Singapore, China, and Japan.

Taiwan’s 1C ranking was based on its performance in three indexes: operations risk, political risk, and remittance and repatriation factor. It was also given to ten other economies, including Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, and South Korea. Switzerland was the only country to receive a perfect 1A grade, with Norway coming in second with a 1B.

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